Who can I talk to if I suspect I may have been harassed?



Complaints are treated with confidentiality and acted on as promptly as possible. Retaliation to complaints is prohibited by law and will not be tolerated by the University.



Section 1-200-025 of the 电子游戏软件 政策 and Procedures Manual defines 骚扰 and sets forth the procedures to be followed when filing a formal complaint of discriminatory 骚扰. It can also be found in the 大学骚扰顾问's Office at 129 Lake Street.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding discriminatory 骚扰.


大学政策 Against 歧视性的骚扰 applies to everyone: faculty, 工作人员, 学生, and third parties (such as contractors and vendors) who are on campus or involved in a University program, 活动, 或者提供服务.


一般来说, 骚扰 occurs whenever offensive or 不受欢迎的 conduct (in school or at work) affects a person's performance or environment. Under the law, there are two kinds of discriminatory 骚扰:

交换条件 骚扰 涉及性侵犯, 性要求, and other verbal or physical conduct of a 性ual nature. 当提交给, 或者拒绝, such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a condition for employment decisions.

充满敌意的环境 骚扰 行为是否包括谩骂, 嘲笑, or disparaging reference to an individual’s race, color, 国家的起源, 性, 宗教, 残疾, 年龄, 或者性取向, thereby interfering with an individual’s performance by creating an intimidating, 充满敌意的, 羞辱性的, 或者性侵犯的环境.

It is possible for both quid pro quo 骚扰 and 充满敌意的 environment 骚扰 to go by unrecognized or unacknowledged, by either the victim or the person causing the problem.

Words or behaviors considered severe enough to create a 充满敌意的 environment can be assessed by the following factors:

  • the physical or verbal nature of the conduct
  • the effects and consequences of the conduct
  • 行为所发出的信息
  • the position in which the victim is placed as a result of the conduct
  • 这种行为重复的频率是多少
  • whether the conduct is obviously or overtly offensive
  • whether the conduct is committed by more than one person or directed at more than one person.

当一个问题情境揭示了一个 模式 攻击性的目标行为,或 不受欢迎的 性挑逗(提出建议), 过度关注, 发送淫亵电子讯息, 等.) 充满敌意的 environment 骚扰 may be identified.

的 earlier it is recognized, the sooner it can be stopped.


  • My instructor keeps pressuring me for a date and has been hinting lately that I will receive better/worse treatment in the course if I do/do not agree ...
  • My supervisor constantly asks about my love life. 的 questions are becoming increasingly more detailed and offensive to me, 让我觉得不舒服 ...
  • My co-workers keep teasing me as the only female mechanic in our unit. Though I have told them to stop, their behavior is getting worse. Now they're grabbing me around my waist, stroking, pinching, 等. I feel unsafe and am starting to dislike coming to work ...
  • Someone in our department has been posting nude centerfold pictures in our photocopying room. A number of us who use the room frequently have complained about it, but so far nothing has been done and the pictures keep going up ...
  • Someone is sending me really offensive electronic mail. I get nervous every time I see that I have new mail because I think it might be another offensive mess年龄. I wonder if it's someone who knows where I live ...

How Does the University Respond to Harassment?

Members of the community should report any incidents of 性ual 骚扰 to the University Title IX Coordinator or one of the deputy coordinators.

If the University becomes aware of 性ual 骚扰 or misconduct involving faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 或者第三方, the University will take steps to respond appropriately, with the goal of eliminating a 充满敌意的 environment, preventing a recurrence of the 骚扰, 解决它的影响.

的 University's Harassment Counselor serves as the primary contact for anyone with a complaint about 骚扰 involving faculty, 工作人员, 或大学课程. 的 歧视性的骚扰 Policy outlines the procedures followed by the University in response to complaints regarding faculty and 工作人员. 大学骚扰协调员, 然而, is available to assist any member of the University community suffering from discriminatory 骚扰 in connection with the University. 在某些情况下, the matter may be resolved without filing a formal complaint, and the Coordinator may be able to facilitate a resolution. 在某些情况下, interim measures may be taken to alter work, class, or living arrangements while a matter is being investigated or addressed.

为学生, the Student Affairs Title IX Coordinator is available to assist with these measures, 以及对学生的投诉. 的 Student Sexual Misconduct Policy and 资源 includes links to relevant policies and resources for 学生.

Request for a hardcopy of the policy should be directed to Patricia Lowe, 助理副总裁, 机构多样性办公室 帕特丽夏.lowe@psozxd.com